About - Check it easy

Slide A Better Background
Check Company
The whole process is simple and is done digitally. GET STARTED

What we do

Check it Easy is an online platform where employers can check the candidates details, identity, preview experience, criminal records, social media, credit bureau, education etc; everything made to the average and specific needs of each client. Also, candidates have the option of getting an Official Certification of their experience, that they can use in any of their future career steps.

How we do it

The whole process is simple and is done digitally. Once the validation has been requested by the client with the necessary parameters, the candidate will receive an email with the details to enter the platform. The platform is very easy to use and guides the candidate step by step to load the necessary information. Once the process is finished, the Check it Easy validation team is in charge of checking that the information is correct and validating it. The validation process is 50% digital and 50% manual. At the end, a PDF report is delivered with the details and comments of the validator as well as a risk meter.

That’s why more than 5,000 employers have trusted Check it easy for employment screening services.


What makes us different

Check it Easy is the first platform that allows the entire background validation process to be carried out through the candidates, eliminating the triangulation between the client and the candidate. It is also the first digital platform aimed directly at people without the need to complete the request through a company.


Our Operating Values Reflect Our Commitment To Excellence


Offer an Official Certification through high quality background validation solution, that provides an efficient and safer network


To be the leading and the point of reference throughout the world regarding Official Certification through high quality background validation solutions. to be recognised as a trusted global company chosen for our innovation, solutions and services

Cross Sector

We work with all sectors since our service can be adapted to the needs of each of our clients by carrying out a 100% custom validation


Background Check Options

Not all positions within a company require the same level of verification. Select from our pre-bundled packages, or customize your own.

Fast, Accurate & Surprisingly Easy

They are an effective tool to mitigate risks in the hiring processes of job candidates and suppliers, as well as in the relationship of companies with their partners and customers.


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Check it easy can be.