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What is employee fraud? Employee fraud refers to intentional and deceptive acts committed by an employee against their employer, resulting in financial or non-financial losses to the organization. It involves activities carried out with the intent to deceive, misappropriate assets, or gain personal benefits at the...

Did you know that approximately 78% of job applicants provide inaccurate information on their resumes? These inaccuracies can range from minor exaggerations, such as inflating job tenure, to more serious misrepresentations like falsely claiming high-ranking positions or concealing criminal records. As an employer, it is...

Today, January 28th we celebrate Data Privacy Day, also called Data Protection Day. A day to raise awareness and to promote privacy data protection. Many countries, including the United States, Canada and 47 European countries celebrate this day, and encourage people to own their privacy...

What is a validation At Check It Easy you can pick from a long list of validations. These validations, also known as background checks, are inquiries made to verify different aspects of a person or a company. You can do background checks for renters, babysitters, employees...

Imagine this, a candidate just completed a 30 minutes-interview with the HR department for a new position. Both parties are content with the results, and the candidate is expecting an offer from the company. HR did a procedural background check, found the candidate wasn’t being truthful about...